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Contact person
Verlag Elisabeth Klock
Wilhelm-Schrohe-Straße 2
55128 Mainz
Elisabeth Klock
Telefon +49 157 50153533
Latest posts
- Machine Learning – Inferior data sets can increase the risk of accidents in driver-assistance systems: Is quantity really the best solution for training highly functional ADAS?
- Machine Learning Minderwertige Datensätze erhöhen die Unfallgefahr bei Fahrassistenzsystemen: Ist Quantität wirklich die beste Lösung für das Training hochfunktionaler ADAS?
- Jennifer Forster-Weis The new Managing Director at NTC Nano Tech Coatings in Tholey, Saarland.
- Dual study! – The ASW Akademie der Saarwirtschaft is expanding its range of study and teaching programmes. Tried and tested dual and new dual Bachelor’s degree programmes & innovative further and continuing education programmes.
- Standing Still is Not an Option – Consistent Diagnostics in After-Sales Service