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The data is used to generate clearly struc- tured dashboards for the purpose of an end- to-end visualization of the processes. This al- lows users to realize and remove bottlenecks, errors or other anomalies in the process im- mediately. This data basis enables approach- es of combining machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). To this end, noise, temperature and vibration sensor data is collected at the production system so as to be able to assess the state of the relevant equipment and consequently the required maintenance measures by means of relevant patterns identified by AI. The German Edge Cloud is playing a decisive role in GAIA-X, a project in which experts from leading cloud, hardware and software companies complement each other with their experience and expertise. The overall objective is to ensure freedom of choice and the right of participation – also called data sovereignty. It is about generating new data value chains about existing and new offers and service providers. This means that to- day’s business models are enhanced. It is essential for Europe to win this race. GAIA-X is one manifestation of the new economic age. This is why it is both responsible and thrilling for a company to be able to develop new ideas in cooperation with Fraunhofer. It is essential for German industry to grasp the opportunities associated with IIoT technol- ogies that go beyond optimization and cost efficiency. To this end, industrial enterprises should start to regard IoT as a business is- sue which opens up new business models. This is how the German economy can de- fend and enhance its competitive edge in the world. ■ [1] IDC: Industrial IoT in Deutschland 2019/2020 Dr. Olaf Sauer Dr. Sebastian Ritz German Edge Cloud www.gec.io Fraunhofer IOSB www.iosb.fraunhofer.de Websites Image: © Fraunhofer IOSB Image: © German Edge Cloud Sensitive when it matters! The MOTOMAN HC10 is a hybrid robot – sensitive in collaborative operation with human beings but also a fully- fledged industry robot when needed. A robot for all eventualities – how practical! YASKAWA Europe GmbH · Robotics Division · robotics@yaskawa.eu.com · Tel. +49- 81 66-90-0 · www.yaskawa.eu.com