OEM&Lieferant Ausgabe 2/2020

91 source of power or, in the case of plug-in hybrid vehicles, as an auxiliary drive. Con- sequently, one of the most important tasks facing developers today is to create a smooth and seamless charge management process that ensures the electric drive operates re- liably at all times. One method of testing the VCU charging in- terface is by using the ETAS LABCAR Hard- ware-in-the-Loop (HiL) system. It offers the full range of communication interfaces re- quired to adapt all VCU interfaces quickly and efficiently. In the case of charge management, these include authorization (authentication), execution of the charging process (transmis- sion of technical parameters such as charging performance, charging parameters, charging efficiency, and charging schedule), and pay- ment (transmission of billing data). The sys- tem includes models for common charging standards (CCS, CHAdeMO, and GB/T), al- lowing engineers to simulate the charging process for the most common vehicles avail- able today. From the vehicle’s perspective, the test system therefore behaves exactly like the real-world charging infrastructure (vehicle to grid). In the future, test and validation tasks are likely to become increasingly complex and elaborate. In order to continue executing these tasks successfully and efficiently, a shift to re- placing traditional HiL tests with virtual solu- tions is unavoidable. ETAS test systems are ready for this shift. LABCAR enables a seamless test transition into SiL or MiL environments (Software-in- the-Loop, Model-in-the-Loop) where they can be executed in their entirety on a local PC or in the cloud. This offers multiple ben- efits, including the ability to perform these tests faster and at an earlier stage of the development process. Thanks to the scalable computing power of cloud computing, the performance capabilities of the test system can be scaled to meet the exact require- ments. Virtualization therefore significantly increases the efficiency of VCU develop- ment. System testing based solely on HiL systems is not an effective approach. ETAS offers an open simulation platform that is de- signed to meet complex future requirements: ETAS COSYM. COSYM is an efficient solu- tion for successfully executing testing and validation tasks for connected, embedded systems – both in a HiL environment and, as an alternative, in SiL or MiL environments. In other words, COSYM facilitates integrated XiL-tests, where XiL refers to “everything”- in-the-loop, meaning either of the three vari- ants. It also supports cloud functionality. Summary ETAS test systems are designed with the fu- ture inmind, combining HiL testing capabilities with increased virtualization. Testing, valida- tion, and calibration can be transferred seam- lessly from a hardware-based environment to a purely computer-based, virtual working environment, and vice-versa. Consequently, ETAS test systems play a key role in the effi- cient development of even the most complex ECUs, such as the vehicle control unit (VCU), including its charging interface. ETAS GmbH www.etas.com Website ECU software/ control models Integration Simulation Unit under test Environment models Experimentation Application software VirtualECUs RealECUs Import Import VirtualECU network RealECU network Experiment environment Stimuli,scripts, testautomation, ASAMXiL INCA Calibration tool ASCET-DEVELOPER, ISOLAR-EVE Ccode,MATLAB®/Simulink® LABCAR-MODEL, ETAS ASCMO FMU,MATLAB®/Simulink® COSYM Integrateartefacts,configure thesimulation,andbuildsimulation MiL/SiL Model-andSoftware-in-the-Loop simulation invirtual time LABCAR HiL systems Hardware-in-the-Loop real-timesimulation C C COSYM is an efficient simulation platform that facilitates seamless transitions between HiL, MiL, and SiL applications.