OEM&Lieferant Ausgabe 1/2023

101 and translation of specific terms into the common “language” of the data space (“semantic mapping” to a common vocabulary) or features ensuring the data sovereignty as well as software services supporting the business of the participants in the data space (“business apps”). The larger the number of participants, the better the range of products and servicesBusiness apps create the actual added value for the manufacturing industry, its suppliers and service providers. For they offer features allowing companies to ensure transparency in their manufacturing processes, computing economic indicators or projecting quality and availability in advance (figure 3). The more participants cooperate in the data ecosystem (companies providing data and companies using data), the better the range of products and services in the data space – in terms of data and business apps. Ultimately, data spaces and their rules are a European way to ensure that manufacturing enterprises keep sovereignty and control of their data instead of transferring them to providers outside Europe. In contrast to many other sectors of industry, digitalization in production is still in its infancy. In the future, everything in the factory will be based on software that can be interlinked spontaneously and that is realtime-compliant. This will have enormous effects on the structure of value creation in the manufacturing industry. All efforts are designed to maintain and strengthen production and its suppliers in Germany – particularly for stormy times ahead. Division of labor in data economy: data spaces result in new supplier profiles and forms of cooperation. Business apps create the actual added value for the manufacturing industry, its equipment suppliers and service providers. Transfer-X https://www.transfer-x.de Manufacturing-X https://www.plattform-i40.de/IP/ Navigation/DE/Manufacturing-X/ Initiative/initiative-manufacturing-x.html Catena-X https://catena-x.net/de