84 The mobility of the future is as variable as the demands people place on it. The desire for more individualization and comfort – without compromising on safety, of course – opens up new business potential for Brose. With its expertise in vehicle access, flexible interiors, thermal management as well as consumption and emission reduction, the company is well positioned to design new functions with added value for users and the environment. For example, a large number of networked adjustment elements and more flexible user configurations enable easier operation and new driving experiences. Brose has developed the “BRAIN – Brose Access and Interior Network” software for this purpose. Depending on the electronic architecture of the vehicle, it is installed on one or more central processing units that can control both company components and third-party products. The vehicle manufacturer or the users themselves use a configuration tool to determine how the car‘s comfort functions should behave in different situations. BRAIN then translates these wishes into control signals and coordinates the movement of the components involved. New functions can be added quickly and easily. Thanks to a connection to the cloud, individual settings can be automatically transferred to new vehicles, for example in car sharing. This also makes new business models possible, in which the user can book additional functions permanently (“add-on”) or for a limited time (“payper-use”) – for example, an invigorating back massage. Innovations Intelligent Feature Connectivity By Christian Hößbacher-Blum, Communications & Marketing, Brose Group Whether it‘s more pleasant boarding with self-opening doors or flexible use of the interior in changing driving situations, new mobility experiences can only be realized through the intelligent interaction of many components in the car. Brose has developed software that links and controls functions in the vehicle. This creates more comfort for users and makes new business models possible. eMail info@brose.com Brose https://t1p.de/n9yt Share Images/Graphics: © Brose