105 Softing Automotive https://automotive.softing.com PDF Test Systems https://t1p.de/y0s0 Share of functions: movement up, down, forward and backward, movement in different steps and/or time-dependent, rotation in different steps as well as a pushbutton at the end of the lever. Infotainment controls with all kinds of mechanical switches, touch elements, swipe and wipe functions, proximity sensors, pressure-sensitive switches etc. are even more complex. In an automated, reproducible test system, it must be possible to simulate these operating processes in a suitable manner and to control them from the test system. Modern ECUs in which the electronics form a closed unit with actuators and sensors are another challenge for test systems. For example, an electric steering system only has electrical connections for power supply and communication interfaces, while all other connections and links, such as the connection of the steering wheel, take place mechanically via a jacket sleeve or the connection of the steering motor axle to the steering gear and wheels. For simulation, suitable pressure must now be applied and recorded by the test system on both sides: on the driver’s side, the steering movement and the haptic feedback from the chassis, and on the steering side, the resistance that the chassis and road offer the steering. This mechatronic simulation makes it possible for the test system to address the actuators (e.g. with rotary or stroke movements) or enables the conversion of sensor signals, such as speed, force, pressure, heat or light into electrically measurable quantities. A high-performance test system should also be able to provide a suitable simulation of the environment. Here, it is no longer just a case of simulating electrical signals, but also of generating physical quantities to stimulate sensors. Light intensity simulates the environment, such as a tunnel, light refractions simulate rain, forces describe torsional forces on the steering wheel, the weight on the seat occupancy mat or the vehicle load. Pneumatic pressure is used to simulate door crash sensors and tire pressure, wheel speed is simulated by rotational movements, acceleration simulates parking bumps, and ultrasound simulates interior monitoring. In this way, different events can be simulated and the corresponding ECU response or control behavior tested and documented. Diverse Areas of Application and Advantages Due to their all-encompassing design, test systems from Softing Automotive are suitable for a wide range of applications. This includes, for example, tests of control units and functional tests in engineering, manufacturing and endurance tests as well as the testing and release of vehicle components and ECUs. The modular structure, scalability and extendibility are an advantage. The comprehensive know-how and the longterm experience guarantee the very best quality. Furthermore, the test kit makes a fast and flexible realization of the test system possible. TEST ITEM ECU Unit Under Test (UUT) Communication interfaces (e.g. CAN/FD, Ethernet, LIN, …) CONTACTING ■ Connecting cables ■ Needle bed ■ Vacuum adapter ■ Breakout box (BOB) ECU TEST SYSTEM FAULT SIMULATION ■ Break ■ Short-circuit ■ Leakage resistance ■ Contact resistance ECU SENSOR LAST SIGNAL CONDITIONING ■ Conversion of physical values ■ Voltage adjustment ■ Current adjustment ■ Galvanic isolation Power Signal DAQ-Signal VDD VSS DATA ACQUISITION DAQ system | Standard I/O e.g. PXI system, USB I/O system, Real Time I/O (dSpace, ETAS, …) TEST AUTOMATION Test software | Driver SW Application SW e.g. Softing DTS, ECU-Test, Provetech, EXAM, Expecco TEST SYSTEM SETUP ENVIRONMENT SIMULATION MECHATRONIC SIMULATION DRIVER SIMULATION Softing test systems offer comprehensive functionality for a wide range of applications Mechatronic simulation: force measurement and influence on the window regulator