3 This is why autoregion is one of the partners with whom the state government has launched the Saarland Transformation Network (TraSaar). In TraSaar, the Ministry of Economics works closely with companies, chambers, research institutions and trade unions to make Saarland a highly qualified technology supplier for the future of the automotive sector. The project is based at the Gesellschaft für Transformationsmanagement Saar. Other partners are the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, ZeMA gGmbH, the Chamber of Labour and the Transformation Workshop of IG Metall. Each partner is responsible for one of a total of six sub-projects. Through the close interlocking among each other, we will launch holistic solutions and concepts for the sector. Within the project, autoregion plays an important role in technology transfer, especially in the fields of hydrogen and fuel cells, Transformation Network Saarland: Innovation for the automotive industry By Jürgen Barke, Minister for Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digital Affairs and Energy The automotive industry shapes our location more than any other economic sector. However, the industry is currently under great pressure to change: electric mobility, autonomous driving, digitalised vehicles and newmobility offers are the mega topics of the future. The effects of this fundamental change are also being felt in the Saar economy. Brexit, Corona, supply chain bottlenecks, semiconductor shortages as well as increased energy prices have left their mark on the export-strong Saar economy. In addition, Saarland’s vehicle manufacturing industry and its suppliers are highly dependent on the combustion engine. This transformation process is not only taking place in Saarland, but in the entire Federal Republic. The entire automotive value chain is affected, from production to logistics to sales. In order for the Saarland automotive industry to continue to provide strong impulses for innovation, growth and employment in the future, all relevant actors must pull together and network with each other - at both regional and supra-regional level. One of our central cooperation partners is autoregion e.V. With its wide-ranging fields of work and members from the entire Greater Region, the association makes an indispensable contribution to the successful transformation of the automotive industry. Image: © Oliver Dietze battery production and recycling. The next steps also include joint events, such as on the circular economy in electromobility in autumn. Our business location is diverse. Traditional industries meet innovative know-how from cutting-edge research here. And because the distances in Saarland are known to be short, cooperation is particularly easy. I see this as a great opportunity for growth and employment. We are already seeing great progress in the areas of IT, artificial intelligence and automated driving. We want to build on these strengths together and ensure that the car of the future continues to have a Saarland soul. Summary Transformationsnetzwerk Saarland: Innovation für die Automobilindustrie Von Jürgen Barke, Minister für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitales und Energie Die Automobilindustrie prägt unseren Standort so stark wie keine andere Wirtschaftsbranche. Doch die Branche steht derzeit unter einem großen Veränderungsdruck: Elek- tromobilität, autonomes Fahren, digi- talisierte Fahrzeuge und neue Mobili- tätsangebote sind die Mega-Themen der Zukunft. Die Auswirkungen dieses grundlegenden Wandels sind auch in der Saarwirtschaft zu spüren. Brexit, Corona, Lieferkettenengpässe, Halbleitermangel sowie gestiegene … Weiterlesen https://t1p.de/qj4xq Jürgen Barke, Minister for Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digital Affairs and Energy