autoregion international - Ausgabe 1/2023

9 Summary Die Widerstandsfähigkeit erhöhen! Von Dr. Carsten Meier, Geschäftsführer der IHK Saarland und Mitglied im Vorstand von autoregion e. V. Zweifellos ist die aktuelle Entwicklung der wirtschafts- und geopolitischen Rahmenbedingungen für die Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie herausfordernd: Ukraine-Krieg, hohe Energie- und Rohstoffpreise, explodierende Corona-Fallzahlen in China, gestresste Lieferketten, schwache und unsichere Weltkonjunktur, erschwerter Markzugang in den USA durch die Umsetzung des Inflation Reduction Act, steigende Zinsen und vieles mehr. Darüber hinaus müssen die Unternehmen auch noch die Herausforderungen der ökologischen und digitalen Transformation bewältigen. All das wird die Kosten für die Unternehmen weiter erhöhen und damit den Spielraum für Investitionen und Beschäftigungsaufbau einengen. Im Saarland wird zudem die Standortentscheidung von Ford zugunsten von Valencia nicht ohne Folgen für die Zulieferindustrie hierzulande bleiben, die ohnehin schon unter einem enormen Anpassungsdruck steht. Die Transformation aktiv managen Dennoch bin ich grundsätzlich optimistisch und überzeugt von der Widerstandskraft und der künftigen Performance der Automotive-Branche … Weiterlesen Chamber has addressed concrete recommendations for action and appeals to the political decision-makers within the framework of political consultation. The key words here include reducing the exorbitant location costs, an investment offensive, a forwardlooking industrial and commercial land policy and much more. Successful structural transformation in the Saarland also means maintaining the competitiveness of the industrial core and at the same time further diversifying the economic structure and making it more resilient. Due to the sectoral weightings, the latter particularly requires the successful settlement of innovative technology providers for future sustainable mobility and the establishment of “green” technologies. In this context, the successful settlement of SVOLT would be an important signal that all policy levels in the country are seriously addressing structural change. Creating excellent conditions for new, forward-looking centres of value creation At the same time, state policy should also accompany the process of structural transformation by creating excellent conditions for new forward-looking value-added centres and networks – for example in battery and fuel cell technology or in the circular economy. There is considerable potential here. After all, the development of recycling capacities for drive batteries of electric vehicles or even the dismantling and recycling of complete vehicles (re-factoring) on a large scale is only making slow progress in Europe. Therefore, the goal should be the creation of a circular economy ecosystem in Saarland in conjunction with Luxembourg and the Région Grand Est in France. This requires noticeable incentives for more innovation in the fields of circular economy, resource efficiency and recycling. If successful, the region could take on a pioneering role in this field in conjunction with a fruitful SVOLT settlement. But time is pressing! The hydrogen economy also offers enormous opportunities for the Saarland with its focus on value creation in steel production and processing, vehicle construction and plant engineering. If hydrogen was to become a growth driver at the Saar, the foundations for this must be laid quickly. The implementation of a consistent and far-sighted “hydrogen roadmap”, which offers potential along the existing and future value chain, is needed. Despite all the economic upheavals, crises have one good thing: they are drivers of change and accelerators of innovation. They require not to rest on our laurels, but to leave the old paths and to take new innovative paths. Let’s tackle it together! With courage, energy and a lot of confidence! The Saarland Chamber of Commerce and Industry and autoregion e.V. will continue to support you with passion and commitment. Feel free to contact us!