autoregion international - Ausgabe 1/2023

3 Summary Topf und Deckel, Kino und Popcorn, Sommer und Sonne, Saarland und Automobilindustrie: Es gibt Dinge, die gehören einfach zusammen. Kaum eine andere Wirtschaftsbranche prägt unseren Standort so stark wie die Automobilindustrie. Und kaum eine andere Wirtschaftsbranche steht derzeit unter einem so großen Transformationsdruck und vor dem größten Umbruch ihrer Geschichte. Elektromobilität, autonomes Fahren, digitalisierte Fahrzeuge und neue Mobilitätsangebote – das ist nicht mehr nur Zukunftsmusik, sondern teilweise bereits Realität. Jeder Fortschritt bringt aber auch immer wieder neue Herausforderungen mit sich. Und die Automobilindustrie sieht sich zusätzlich mit vielen weiteren Belastungen konfrontiert. Zum Transformationsdruck kommen die Energiekrise, Materialmangel, Inflation und die Folgen der Corona-Pandemie hinzu. Sie verlangen der Branche immer wieder neue Anstrengungen ab … Weiterlesen Image: © Staatskanzlei/Jennifer Weyland Pot and lid, cinema and popcorn, summer and sun, Saarland, and the automotive industry: there are things that simply belong together. Hardly any other economic sector shapes our location as much as the automotive industry. And hardly any other economic sector is currently under such great pressure to transform and facing the greatest upheaval in its history. Electromobility, autonomous driving, digitalised vehicles and new mobility offers – these are no longer just dreams of the future, but in some cases already reality. However, every advance also entails new challenges. And the automotive industry is also confronted with many other burdens. Additional to the pressure to transform, there is the energy crisis, material shortages, inflation, and the consequences of the Corona pandemic. They demand new efforts from the industry again and again. However, transformation and change are always an opportunity. It is in the nature of our country to take advantage of them. With its eventful history, the Saarland has long been a structural change world champion. Structural change can succeed once again if we do not simply let it happen but provide answers to change processes early on. One such response is the transformation fund that we adopted last year. It is the enabler for a decade of lead investments in industry, infrastructure, and innovation. Over the next ten years, we will invest almost 3 billion euros: to acquire and develop land, to pay the state's share of federal funding and to attract new businesses. One such establishment is that of the battery manufacturer SVOLT. With it, we are moving from a standing start into the premier league of electromobility – with all the potential positive secondary effects that this can have for suppliers, for example. We have also set ourselves the goal of leading the way throughout Europe in the field of hydrogen. Several companies, such as Bosch and Hydac, have already successfully invested in hydrogen technologies and electromobility. Together with our neighbours in the Greater Region, important projects have been initiated within the framework of the IPCEI programme to build up the infrastructure for hydrogen. The transformation offers the actors opportunities beyond the actual use of the product, and this has several advantages for our energy-intensive location. The demand for CO₂ reduction has brought energy efficiency in production as well as the entire process chain more to the forefront. For thar we are well positioned in the Saarland: Strong players with a lot of expertise in the areas of digitalisation, software and automation are a guarantor that production in the plants can be better planned and thus becomes more efficient. Of course, FORD's decision against Saarlouis was and is a stab in the heart of Saarland's automotive industry. It undoubtedly hurts the employees the most. But our entire automotive location is also suffering. Our goal is clear: to keep as many jobs at the site as possible after 2025. And regardless of what drive the car of the future may have, we want it to continue to have a Saarland soul. In this way, we in the Saarland can once again prove that structural change can succeed without major disruptions – and become a blueprint for an industry that is undergoing global upheaval. Yours Anke Rehlinger Minister President of the Saarland Share � � Anke Rehlinger, Minister President of the Saarland Keynote by Anke Rehlinger Minister President of the Saarland Grußwort von Anke Rehlinger Ministerpräsidentin des Saarlandes